Before diving into the symbolism, it’s important to have a basic understanding of the structure of a tarot deck. The tarot is made up of 78 cards divided into two main sections: the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana.
- Major Arcana : The 22 cards in the Major Arcana depict significant life events and themes, such as Tarot Card Reading The Fool, The Lovers, The Magician, and The World. These cards usually represent overarching energies or spiritual lessons that have a powerful influence on one’s life.
- Minor Arcana : The 56 Minor Arcana cards represent day-to-day situations and experiences. They are divided into four suits: Cups (emotion), Wands (creativity and action), Swords (intellect and conflict), and Pentacles (material world and finances). Each suit has 14 cards, ranging from Ace to King, and their meanings reflect different aspects of life, from challenges to growth and success.
At first glance, a tarot card may seem like a simple illustration or depiction of an abstract concept. However, each card is full of symbolism, color, numerology, and hidden meanings that offer layers of insight.
Tarot Symbolism: Decoding the Images
Each tarot card is filled with powerful symbols—whether they are colors, numbers, animals, objects, or people—each playing a unique role in the interpretation. The images on tarot cards are often designed to evoke specific emotions or themes, and their meaning can shift depending on the context of the reading.
Color Symbolism
Colors are a crucial aspect of tarot symbolism. Each hue can evoke certain feelings or represent different energies in a reading. For example, the color red often symbolizes passion, vitality, and action, while blue may represent calmness, spirituality, or communication. Psychics pay close attention to the use of color in a spread to interpret the emotional and energetic currents running through a situation.
Tarot cards are inherently linked to numerology, where each number has its own unique vibration and meaning. For instance, the number 1 often signifies new beginnings, leadership, or independence, while the number 10 (and its reduced form, 1) represents completion, cycles, or fulfillment. Psychics interpret the presence of certain numbers in a reading to gain a deeper understanding of the timing and cycles in a person’s life.
Symbols and Archetypes
The images on tarot cards are often based on archetypes—universal patterns or characters that reflect certain aspects of the human experience. The Fool, for example, represents a fresh start, a journey, or the untapped potential within an individual. The Empress symbolizes fertility , abundance, and nurturing qualities, while The Tower signifies sudden upheaval and destruction, followed by a chance for renewal.
These archetypes speak directly to the subconscious mind, which is why tarot readings can evoke such strong emotional reactions. Psychics use these archetypes to decode deeper aspects of the seeker’s life, drawing out unconscious themes or patterns that might be at play.
Astrology and Elemental Symbolism
Many tarot decks also incorporate astrological symbols and elemental correspondences into their designs. The astrological influences of the signs (such as Leo, Pisces, and Scorpio) can offer a layer of interpretation, as each sign has specific traits, characteristics, and influences that can inform the reading. For example, the card of The Chariot corresponds with the zodiac sign Cancer, which is associated with emotional drive, protection, and determination.
The four elements—Fire, Earth, Air, and Water—are also crucial in tarot symbolism. Each suit in the Minor Arcana is tied to one of these elements: Wands are associated with Fire, Cups with Water, Swords with Air, and Pentacles with Earth. These elements reveal how energies manifest in different aspects of life—Fire represents action and passion, Water embodies emotions and intuition, Air is linked to thoughts and communication, and Earth grounds us in the material world.
The Role of the Psychic in Tarot Readings
While anyone can learn to read tarot cards, psychics are particularly skilled at tapping into the subtle energies that surround a situation. Their ability to connect with the intuitive realms allows them to read between the lines of the cards, accessing hidden layers of meaning that may not be immediately obvious to a novice reader. Here’s how psychics use their gifts to interpret the symbolism of the tarot.
Intuition and Psychic Sensitivity
Psychics often rely on their intuitive faculties to enhance their interpretation of tarot symbolism. As they lay out the cards, they may receive impressions, visions, or feelings that help to guide their understanding of the spread. For instance, they might sense that a certain card is emphasizing a particular emotional state or situation, or they may pick up on subtle cues that indicate a hidden truth.
The process is not always conscious or rational. Instead, psychics often describe their readings as an intuitive flow, where the meaning of the cards comes together through a deeper connection to the energy of the question or the query.
Connecting with Spirit Guides
Many psychics also work with spirit guides during a tarot reading. These guides—whether they are ancestors, angels, or other spiritual beings—can provide valuable insights and additional layers of meaning to the symbols present in the cards. The tarot serves as a conduit for communicating with these guides, who may help to clarify the message or offer advice based on the querent’s life path.
Reading Context and Reversals
A psychic’s skill lies not only in interpreting the symbolism but also in understanding the context of the reading. For example, if a card appears in the past position, it may point to a past influence that still lingers. Cards in the future position provide insight into what is to come. When cards are reversed (upside down), they often indicate blockages, delays, or energies that are being suppressed.
A psychic understands how to read the dynamic relationship between the cards—how they interact with each other and create a larger narrative. The relationship between symbols across different cards helps to weave a comprehensive story that is unique to each reading.
The Depth of Symbolic Interpretation
The beauty of tarot lies in its complexity. A psychic reader doesn’t just focus on the most obvious meanings of the cards, but also looks deeper into their connections. A simple card like The Star, which might initially seem like a symbol of hope and inspiration, may reveal other insights about vulnerability, healing, or dreams for the future depending on its surrounding cards.
Similarly, the interpretation of a single card may change depending on the individual receiving the reading. A card that signifies emotional growth for one person might represent a warning of over-indulgence for another. Psychics adjust their interpretations to reflect the life circumstances and energies of the querent, tailoring the reading to provide the most relevant insights.
The Power of Tarot Symbolism
Tarot symbolism is much more than mere decoration; it’s a language of the soul. Through the rich tapestry of images, numbers, colors, and archetypes, tarot offers profound into the human experience. Psychics are adept at reading this symbolism, connecting with their intuition and spiritual guides to reveal messages that go beyond the surface of everyday life.